Hexagon CMM là thương hiệu hàng đầu trên thế giới. Máy CMM Hexagon được sử dụng khá phổ biến tại Việt Nam.
Mstek cung cấp cho quý vị thông tin lỗi máy CMM sửa dụng bộ điều khiển: DC240/DC241 DC241ETH//DC800/DC800ETH/RC1/DC4000/H3C-T
Dưới đây là Danh sách lỗi máy CMM Hexagon Error list – Cách khắc phục sửa chữa:
LST – FDC List Library:
0x1B000002 | System Error allocating memory |
0x1B000003 | System error: Creating list mutex |
0x1B000010 | System error: List not existing |
0x1B00?011 | System error: Node in List not existing |
PRBH – Probehead module:
0x1C000001 | System Error calling a RTOS function |
0x1C000002 | System Error allocating memory |
0x1C000003 | System error creating a PRBH mutex |
0x1C000004 | System Error creating a PRBH queue |
0x1C000005 | System Error creating a PRBH task |
0x1C000006 | System Error receiving from a PRBH queue |
0x1C000007 | System Error sending to a PRBH queue |
0x1C00000F | System Error calling a list library function |
0x1C000010 | Probing error, lower trigger not reached |
0x1C000011 | wristMountAxBx parameter error |
0x1C000012 | Invalid coordinate latch |
0x1C000013 | X5 Toolchanger: Attempted to pick new stylus when already loaded with stylus. |
0x1C000014 | X5 Toolchanger: Could not unload stylus or gripper not open. |
0x1C000015 | X5 Toolchanger: New stylus could not be loaded. |
0x1C000016 | X5 Toolchanger: Could not unload the stylus. |
0x1C000017 | X5 Toolchanger: Could not ensure gripper open without stylus. |
0x1C000018 | X5 Toolchanger: Zero force move failed to attain nominal deflections. |
0x1C000019 | Invalid changerType parameter |
PRBH – Probehead module t:
0x1C00001A | Invalid changerOrientation parameter |
0x1C00001B | X series Probe collision |
0x1C00001C | MTL compensation file missing |
0x1C00001D | Error while reading MTL compensation file |
0x1C00001E | Unknow compensation format identifier |
0x1C00001F | System Error: invalid case in switch statement |
0x1C000020 | THD answer timeout error |
0x1C000021 | No HP-THD probe detected |
0x1C000022 | Invalid THD probe parameters |
0x1C000023 | Error during THD probe configuration |
0x1C000024 | PHM control code error |
0x1C000025 | CWS wrist mount configuration error |
0x1C00002C | Probing error, lower trigger not reached |
FDCSYS – FDC System:
0x00000010 | Divide by zero |
0x00000011 | System error – reserved code 2 |
0x00000012 | System error – reserved code 3 |